Tools Your Spellcaster Will Require For A White Love Incarnation

 Altar Objects

To carry out your white magic love spell, you need an altar to be able to preach whatever you want, including good energy, and your altar needs to be groomed with several materials like candle holders, vases, crystals, and altar garments. They rarely carry any significance to them; they mostly add a tremendous aesthetic gesture onto your altar. Even if you use them for their appearance, you should cleanse them first before using them.


An athame is actually the knife you will use to carry out your white magic binding spells. You will be using the knife to point the direction you want the information to be directed and for yourself out of the circle safely. It is not practically a kitchen knife. Many spell casters like spell caster maxim like he's a knife to be metallic and have a black handle, while other spell casters believe that the blade's power gets stronger when passed from one spell caster to the other.


A broom is usually a personal equipment for a spell caster, and they create them from twigs of trees. It doesn't have the regular duty as an ordinary broom, this broom is used for cleaning your energy, and many spell casters believe that the broom should not touch the ground.


Boline is another type of knife used by spell casters, but this type of knife is used for cutting herbs, plants, and other materials. It is a magical tool, but spellcasters usually cleanse their boline knives for their intended purpose. It usually has a white handle and a curved blade.


A burine is small pointed equipment used for curving words, symbols, and designs onto candles and other objects. A business can be a nail, a pointed pin, crystal point. Once your spell caster has gathered all the tools, he manifests them and uses them for the magic they are intended to perform.


Many spell casters love using candles for their spells because they are always available, and there is a real spell dedicated to using candles. For example, when carrying out a simple white magic love spell, your spellcaster will ask you for a white candle, and he will direct you on how to use the candle to sermon your lover or crush.


A cauldron is another piece of equipment that looks like a pot, and someone cannot notice that your bank Is being used for casting a white magic binding spell. The modern cauldron is usually tiny enough to fit on your altar and is made from any heatproof material. The pot is used for collecting burnt materials and for holding candles and herbs.


A chalice is a ceremonial vessel that acts like a cup used for drinking liquids made by your spell caster, which are made of precious metal. You can use any food container to act as your vessel. It all depends on what you prefer. You can decide to add ornaments or use them; the most important thing is to serve its purpose.


The purpose is that charcoal is used for heating herbs, incense, and the oils you are using. The charcoal is usually placed in a compressed disk and is allowed to cool off for 45 minutes. When your spellcaster lacks charcoal, he can use light options that do the same type of work.


For many spells to work out, including white live bits, the spell caster needs to know the compass directions to figure out the best time to carry out the spell. The rules are also great for aligning incarnations.


Crystal's can be used for two purposes; they can be used as materials and tools for carrying out spells. Different crystals have different types of power that they hold, and they hold the four needed elements. You can use your crystals to charge your other tools and be used as a sacred space to enable you to enter the mind of the spell caster. And several magical tools can be used for making magic items.


For your spellcaster to cast a powerful white magic love spell, he needs to write down a couple of incarnations that he will be using. He can also write down the things you want him to manifest in your life and the things you want to be released from your life. The usefulness of using a couple of papers is that some document sets can be burnt while others are not supposed to be burnt.

Other papers can be buried, crops can grow on them, others can dissolve in water, and others can change color. When you want to use your paper for magical purposes, you can waft it to through the smoke of a type of incense for a short period. Take care so that your paper doesn't catch fire.

Pen And Ink

Every spell requires a different ink color. For you to make your pen a magical pen, do the same procedure as the paper incarnation. Different spell casters carry out this process differently; some will separate the ink and pen and manifest them differently, while others manifest them as a whole. Or, when you want to escape from this whole process, you can buy a magical pen instead.


Several people confuse a pentagram and a pentacle. A pentagram is a five-pointed star, whereas a pentacle is a five-pointed star enclosed in a circle. You can use the pentacle for different purposes depending on what you want to cast. 

Pestle And Mortar

A pestle is used for storing your herbs, and the mortar is used for crushing the herbs you are using for your white magic spell to make someone think about you. Pressing the herbs onto the mortar until they are entirely ground acts as a meditation process and casting spell process. 

Scrying Tools

Scrying is a process that involves the process of channeling tools to receive spiritual messages.

Most of these tools are crystal clear. Things like mirrors and water are used for this process. All you need to do is to contrate on the bowl of water, and you will see what you want to see and be manifested by the bowl.


A wand is a tool used by spellcasters to charge the energy they release to a specific location. Select the wand you want to use carefully to carry out its duty for its purpose. It is made from sacred wood, not regular wood.

You don't need to use all these tools for your spell. Only use the tools you require for your incarnation. If you want to carry out an easy white magic love spell, you can only use candles. 


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