Five Types of Blueberry Plants and Their Characteristics


There are five types of blueberry natural world commonly grown. This article list and discusses these and their characteristics. Some examples of dexterously-liked varieties for each type is in addition to listed.

1. : Northern Highbush Vaccinium corymbosum -- These are high chill varieties for zones 3-7 later than 800 to 1,000 chill hours needed. The Northern Highbush Blueberry is a species of blueberry indigenous to eastern northern United States. They are high chill varieties and are the most extensively planted blueberries in the world. If these northern tall-bush varieties shape on not acquire the required number of chill hours they will not have emotional impact on. These bushes are rated zone 3 through zone 7 which includes most of the Central, Western, mid-West, and Eastern United States as proficiently as some parts of Canada. These varieties display bush shapes from curt and compact to tall and relationships. The berries range in size from " to sophisticated than 1" in diameter, and in color from dark blue to fresh blue. Northern Highbush blueberries require a minimum of 800 chilling hours for proper fruit set. All cultivars are self-pollinating but will manufacture greater than before crops if on top of one variety is planted.

Some examples codicil:

Bluecrop is recommended for growing in zones 4 to 7.

Bluegold is also sometimes listed as a half tall variety because of it immediate summit and descent. It is recommended for growing in zones 4 to 7.

Blueray is recommended for growing in zones 3 to 7.

Duke is recommended for growing in zones 4 to 7.

Elliott is recommended for growing in zones 4 to 7.

Hardyblue is recommended for growing in zones 4 to 8.

Jersey is recommended for growing in zones 4 to 7.

Legacy is recommended for growing in zones 5 to 8.

Patriot is also sometimes listed as a half high variety because of it rushed severity and pedigree. It is recommended for growing in zones 3 to 7.

Rubel is a wild Highbush type cultivar. It is recommended for growing in zones4 to 7.

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